Thursday, August 16, 2012

So there I am on the last day of the Google Tools for School courses (yet, the story still continues with future work).  Here are some reflections on the course and what I have learned:
     1) I can not think that I can use all of these tools at once.  I need to pick 
         the ones I think are useful for me.
     2) Google tools and my Google sites and blogger is on going, and   
         going and going and going.
     3) I love the introductions of so many tools and applications!
     4) I feel like I have started a foundation or "homebase" in order to 
         make my classroom more virtual (more paperless).
     5) Now my courses can be completely transparent, clear communication  
         with students, parents and colleagues.

Thank you Tony and Matt, very informational and useful for me!

Friday, August 10, 2012

My First YouTube Video "Shell of a Classroom"


"Hard at Work" (Google Tools for Schools 
course work)
"Do you see those wrinkles and bags
 under those eyes!"